Monday, January 10, 2011

My First Christmas

Well, not actually my FIRST Christmas, but my first one with my embroidery machine. I set out this year to make everyone's Christmas gifts. I figured it would be fun, good practice, and a way to save some money but still give everyone special personalized gifts.

I began working in earnest in October and when all was said and done I had produced 36 pieces...not including some extra non-Christmas projects along the way. When I started, I was proud of myself for getting an early jump on the Christmas season. LESSON LEARNED: When you have 3 small children and a full load of other responsibilities, October is NOT early enough! Start in January!...OK, well maybe not THAT early, but at least by summer, if you want to avoid a stitching frenzy that takes you right up to Christmas Eve. :)

In the end, I was pleased overall with my work. There were a few projects that had gone awry, but for the most part I had been able to get things back on track or at least hide the mistake. I learned some tricks along the way and definitely got faster at hooping my blank (article of clothing, towel, etc. on which you will stitch your embroidery design) and setting up my machine. Here are just a few of my favorites from the holiday season:

 Hand towels for teachers and family

 ECU Pirate shirts for my parents

 Prince and Princess-wear for our trip to see the Disney Princes and Princesses

 Pirate Mickey and Princess Minnie

I am already mentally planning for next Christmas. I would have liked to do more for our extended family and by starting earlier I hope to be able to complete some of the pieces currently swirling around in my head.

I'm taking a brief hiatus from my machine to recover from all the holiday fun and to get our house reorganized and back in order. After that, I am looking towards projects for our annual Sunset Beach trip, birthdays, and maybe some special surprises along the way. More to come...

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